Vlaamse Tafeltennisliga

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Dear Friends,

The ITTF Executive Committee has decided to suspend all Efforter racket coverings from LARC (List of authorised racket coverings), with immediate effect on 4 January 2016.

This suspension is a result of repeated breaches of clauses of the Technical Leaflet T4, which lead to suspension of authorisation, as specified in the ITTF Handbook ( and in the Technical Leaflet T4 (7.2).

The offenses include:

  • Selling racket coverings before the ITTF has provided notification that they have passed all necessary tests.
  • Illegal modification of the pimple top surface of Efforter 004 Radar and selling with two different types of pimple top surfaces, with illegal use of the ITTF logo.
  • Illegal use of the ITTF logo and ITTF number on racket coverings, which are currently not on LARC, but already available in the market.

The suspension is valid with immediate effect.